Meet CEO of Bair Aesthetics-Dietitian, Dylan Bair!

Dylan created Bair Aesthetics in the Fall of 2013 while juggling his role as a full-time student at The Ohio State University and personal training clients around the clock. Despite some people thinking he was biting off more than he could chew, Dylan saw their doubt as the perfect push to follow his vision. Starting with just five clients, his journey into the bodybuilding industry quickly taught him how much nonsense was out there, especially with the all-too-common "bro diet" of chicken, brown rice, and broccoli six times a day.

Diving deeper into evidence-based dietary practices during his grad school days and growing his experience with personal training and coaching, Dylan became the go-to guy for cutting through the noise, focusing on real science over fads. This is how Bair Aesthetics' motto, "No Bullsh*t, Just Science," was born.

After earning his Master of Science degree and becoming a Registered Dietitian in 2016, Dylan's passion for teaching honest, evidence-based nutrition only grew stronger. Today, Bair Aesthetics has transformed thousands of lives worldwide. Though Dylan is highly recognized in the bodybuilding sphere, his evidence-based coaching method is designed for everyone, no matter their fitness goal. Whether you're preparing for a competition or just beginning your journey toward better health, Dylan's approach can guide you to success. 

When he's not debunking nutrition myths, Dylan is happily married to Lauren Bair and is a proud dad to their daughter Brinley and fur babies Athena and Aries. He thrives on the go, always eager to travel, network, and immerse himself in new experiences—connecting with people from all walks of life. Dylan loves the rave scene and hitting up festivals, where he brings the same energy and enthusiasm he has for fitness and nutrition. 

Over the last 10 years, he's reflected on how chasing what seemed like an unlikely dream to others has completely altered his life, opening up a world of possibilities he once thought unattainable. This journey inspired him and Lauren to create Manifested Lifestyle, a clothing + lifestyle brand dedicated to bringing people together and empowering them to create their futures.

Dylan is here to support your journey toward better health and fitness with straightforward advice that works. Him and the Bair Aesthetics community are here to make your goals a reality, backed by science and a lot of heart.